In this table variable labels are indented within each group and a bold-formatted caption is shown.

1. Install compareGroups package from CRAN and then load it by typing:


2. Load the PREDIMED example data available in compareGroups package:


3. Compute all descriptives and test from selected variables by using compareGroups function.

In this example describes for each variable are computed by intervention group. Note the use of formula argument as usual in R, so “.” indicates all variables in the dataset. Type group on the left side of ~ symbol indicating that descriptives will be calculated by groups.

By the argument method we set wtn and p14 varible to be reported as median and quartiles instead of mean and standard deviation. Note the use of subset argument to select men or women, and the use of update method to repeat the instruction but now selecting women instead of men.

res <- compareGroups(group ~ . , data = predimed, method = c(wtn = 2, p14 = 2))

4. Create the bivariate table by calling creaTable function

and passing the previous object computed by compareGroups function (res). Using this function you can customize how categorical variables are displayed (only percertage or absolute frequencies or both) by type argument or whether standard deviation appears inside brackets or separated by plus/minus symbol by sd.type argument. Also note the use of category which is useful to hide “no” level for those binary variables. If you only want to show “Female” category use hide argument for sex variable indicating which category is going to be hiden. This argument also applies to categorical variables with more than two categories. To show how many individuals have non-missing values in each described variable, set show.n argument to TRUE. Finally, to specify the number of decimal digits to show use digitsarguments. In this example p14 have no decimals and for hormo only one digit.

restab <- createTable(res, digits = c(p14 = 0, hormo=1), type = 1, sd.type = 2, = "no", hide = c(sex = 'Male'), show.n=TRUE)

5. Create groups of variables.

Use [] to select variables and use rbind method to create groups of variables. Note the use of varinfo to display the original variable names in order to select variables.


--- Analyzed variable names ----

   Orig varname Shown varname                  
1  group        Intervention group             
2  sex          Sex                            
3  age          Age                            
4  smoke        Smoking                        
5  bmi          Body mass index                
6  waist        Waist circumference            
7  wth          Waist-to-height ratio          
8  htn          Hypertension                   
9  diab         Type-2 diabetes                
10 hyperchol    Dyslipidemia                   
11 famhist      Family history of premature CHD
12 hormo        Hormone-replacement therapy    
13 p14          MeDiet Adherence score         
14 toevent      follow-up to main event (years)
15 event        AMI, stroke, or CV Death       
# Demographic
restab1 <- restab[c('sex','age')]
# Risk factors 
restab2 <- restab[c('smoke','diab','hyperchol','htn','famhist')]
# Antropomorphic
restab3 <- restab[c('bmi','waist','wth')]
# Target
restab4 <- restab[c('p14','event')]
# join tables
restab <- rbind("Demographic variables:" = restab1, 
                "Risk factors:" = restab2,
                "Antropomorphic variables:" = restab3,
                "Target variables:" = restab4)

7. Export or print the bivariate table.

The bivariate table can be printed in the R console using the method print, i.e. just typing the name of the object:


--------Summary descriptives table by 'Intervention group'---------

                                     Control  MedDiet + Nuts MedDiet + VOO p.overall  N   
                                     N=2042       N=2100        N=2182                    
Demographic variables::
    Sex: Female                       60.2%       53.9%          58.8%      <0.001   6324 
    Age                             67.3±6.28   66.7±6.02      67.0±6.21     0.003   6324 
Risk factors::
    Smoking:                                                                 0.444   6324 
        Never                         62.8%       60.0%          61.9%                    
        Current                       13.2%       14.1%          13.4%                    
        Former                        24.0%       26.0%          24.7%                    
    Type-2 diabetes                   47.5%       45.2%          49.6%       0.017   6324 
    Dyslipidemia                      72.4%       73.3%          71.5%       0.423   6324 
    Hypertension                      83.8%       82.8%          81.9%       0.249   6324 
    Family history of premature CHD   22.6%       21.9%          23.2%       0.581   6324 
Antropomorphic variables::
    Body mass index                 30.3±3.96   29.7±3.77      29.9±3.71    <0.001   6324 
    Waist circumference             101±10.8     100±10.6      100±10.4      0.045   6324 
    Waist-to-height ratio           0.63±0.07   0.62±0.06      0.63±0.06    <0.001   6324 
Target variables::
    MeDiet Adherence score          8 [7;10]     9 [8;10]      9 [8;10]     <0.001   6324 
    AMI, stroke, or CV Death          4.75%       3.33%          3.90%       0.064   6324 

Or if you want to change some bivariate table header, such “p-value” instead of “p.overall” use header.labels argument:

print(restab, header.labels = c(p.overall = "p-value"))

--------Summary descriptives table by 'Intervention group'---------

                                     Control  MedDiet + Nuts MedDiet + VOO p-value  N   
                                     N=2042       N=2100        N=2182                  
Demographic variables::
    Sex: Female                       60.2%       53.9%          58.8%     <0.001  6324 
    Age                             67.3±6.28   66.7±6.02      67.0±6.21    0.003  6324 
Risk factors::
    Smoking:                                                                0.444  6324 
        Never                         62.8%       60.0%          61.9%                  
        Current                       13.2%       14.1%          13.4%                  
        Former                        24.0%       26.0%          24.7%                  
    Type-2 diabetes                   47.5%       45.2%          49.6%      0.017  6324 
    Dyslipidemia                      72.4%       73.3%          71.5%      0.423  6324 
    Hypertension                      83.8%       82.8%          81.9%      0.249  6324 
    Family history of premature CHD   22.6%       21.9%          23.2%      0.581  6324 
Antropomorphic variables::
    Body mass index                 30.3±3.96   29.7±3.77      29.9±3.71   <0.001  6324 
    Waist circumference             101±10.8     100±10.6      100±10.4     0.045  6324 
    Waist-to-height ratio           0.63±0.07   0.62±0.06      0.63±0.06   <0.001  6324 
Target variables::
    MeDiet Adherence score          8 [7;10]     9 [8;10]      9 [8;10]    <0.001  6324 
    AMI, stroke, or CV Death          4.75%       3.33%          3.90%      0.064  6324 

Or if you want to create a PDF document with the table in a publish-ready format.

export2pdf(restab, file = "example5.pdf", header.labels = c(p.overall = "p-value"))

To create tables in PDF you must have some LaTeX compiler installed on your computer.